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  1. Blodgett, Peter J., and Zócalo Public Square. “Travel History: How Americans Fell in Love with Taking Road Trips.” Time, Time, 15 Aug. 2015,

  2. Capka, J. Richard. “Celebrating 50 Years: The Eisenhower Interstate Highway System.” US Department of Transportation, United States Department of Transportation, 7 Aug. 2017, .

  3. DeBack, Skip. “Neon Library: Neon Sign History: 1902 to 1960.” Neon Library | Neon Sign History | 1902 to 1960, 2012,

  4. Fitch, Steve, and Toby Jurovics. Vanishing Vernacular: Western Landmarks. George F. Thompson Publishing, 2018.

  5. Hilke, Jens, and University of Vermont. “Landscape Change Program.” University of Vermont, 2011,

  6. Jordan, Robert Paul. “Our Growing Interstate Highway System.” National Geographic February 1968: Pages 194-221. Print.

  7. Kaszynski, William. The American Highway: the History and Culture of Roads in the United States. McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2012.

  8. Kerouac, Jack. On the Road. Buccaneer Booksy, 1957.

  9. Lewis, Thomas S. W. Divided Highways: Building the Interstate Highways, Transforming American Life. Cornell University Press, 2013.

  10. McLuhan, Marshall. “The Medium Is the Message.” Media and Cultural Studies: Keyworks, by Meenakshi Gigi. Durham and Douglas Kellner, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, pp. 100–107.

  11. McNichol, Dan. The Roads That Built America: the Incredible Story of the U.S. Interstate System. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2006.

  12. Mountjoy, Shane. Manifest Destiny: Westward Expansion. Chelsea House Publishers, 2009.

  13. Primeau, Ronald. Romance of the Road: the Literature of the American Highway. Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1996.

  14. Ribbat, Christoph. Flickering Light: a History of Neon. Reaktion Books, 2013.

  15. Rothman, Hal. Neon Metropolis: How Las Vegas Started the Twenty-First Century. Routledge, 2015.

  16. Simon, Alf. “Travelling Across America in One Place: The Phenomenon of the Interstate Village.” Civil Engineering and Architecture, vol. 4, no. 3, 2016, pp. 112–119., doi:10.13189/cea.2016.040303.

  17. Swan, Sheila, and Peter Laufer. Neon Nevada. Globe Pequot Press, 2011.

  18. Wood, Andrew. “The Rise and Fall of the Great American Motel.”, Smithsonian Institution, 30 June 2017,


2020. By Jack Cochran. Created with for my J413 Media Studies Capstone Project.

Background image: Gottlieb, W. P. (1948, July). [52nd street, New York, N.Y., ca. July 1948] [Photograph]. Retrieved from

  • Instagram: Burnt Out
  • Spotify Playlist: Highway Hymns
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